HCL is a forum where researchers, developers, educators exchange ideas and information on the latest academic or industrial work on language design, processing, assessment and applications.
Topics of interest in this area are:
- Programming language concepts, methodologies and tools;
- Language and Grammars, design, formal specification and quality;
- Design of novel language constructs and their implementation;
- Domain Specific Languages design and implementation;
- Programming, refactoring and debugging environments;
- Dynamic and static analysis: Program Slicing;
- Program Comprehension;
- Compilation and interpretation techniques;
- Code generation and optimization;
- Program visualization and animation;
- Programming languages teaching methods;
- Languages for modeling;
- Dynamic languages;
- Programmer profiling;
- Cross-fertilization of different technological spaces (modelware, grammarware, ontologies, etc)
Scientific Committee
Please visit the
Call for Papers.