4th to 5th July, 2024
ESTGA, University of Aveiro
Águeda, Portugal




HCL is a forum where researchers, developers, educators exchange ideas and information on the latest academic or industrial work on language design, processing, assessment and applications.

Track Chair

José Paulo Leal (Dep CC, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto)


Topics of interest in this area are:
  • Programming language concepts, methodologies, and tools
  • Language and Grammars, design, formal specification, and quality
  • Design of novel language constructs and their implementation
  • Domain-Specific Languages design and implementation
  • Programming, refactoring and debugging environments
  • Dynamic and static analysis
  • Program Slicing
  • Program Comprehension
  • Compilation and interpretation techniques
  • Code generation and optimization
  • Visual Languages and Program visualization
  • Programming languages teaching methods
  • Languages for modeling
  • Dynamic languages
  • Program profiling
  • Cross-fertilization of different technological spaces (modelware, grammarware, ontologies, etc)
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Methods, Techniques and Tools for Software Protection
  • Automatic Generation of Test Cases for Domain Specific Languages
  • Software Forensics
  • Plagiarism Detection
  • Data Visualization

Scientific Committee

Please visit the Call for Papers.