4th to 5th July, 2024
ESTGA, University of Aveiro
Águeda, Portugal




HHL is a forum dedicated to the discussion of research projects and ideas involving natural language processing and their industrial application.

Track Chair

Mário Rodrigues (IEETA and ESTGA, University of Aveiro, Portugal)


Topics of interest in this area are:
  • Computational morphology, syntax and semantics
  • Machine translation and tools for computer assisted translation
  • Computational terminology and lexicography
  • Speech synthesis and understanding
  • Information retrieval and extraction
  • Automatic question answering
  • Corpora linguistics
  • Language Resources and Evaluation
  • Public tools and resources for NLP
  • Ontologies and knowledge representation
  • Statistical Methods applied to NLP
  • Language teaching support tools
  • Sentiment Analysis, Opinion and Argument Mining
  • Natural Language Generation, Summarization and Simplification
  • Dialogue and Interactive Systems
  • Ethics and NLP
  • Language Modeling
  • Machine Learning for CL/NLP
  • Offensive speech detection and analysis
  • Applications (BioNLP and eHealth, legal purposes, Social Media and Journalism, etc.)
  • Tagging, Chunking, Syntax and Parsing

Scientific Committee

Please visit the Call for Papers.