4th to 5th July, 2024
ESTGA, University of Aveiro
Águeda, Portugal


Important Information for Authors
  • Submissions are managed through the UNAVE online system.
  • Accepted papers will be published in a digital issue delivered during the conference, and online, in the OASIcs series.
  • Note that accepted papers' authors will need to supply an author agreement, under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license (CC-BY 3.0).
  • During the submission you will be asked to choose from one of the three tracks: HCL, HHL, CCL. Nevertheless, organizers are specially interested in papers touching more than one of the three main tracks.

Both standard and short papers should be written in English, using the OASIcs template. For standard papers the page range is 8 to 14 pages. For short papers the page range is 6 to 8 pages. In the submission page, for a Full paper please choose the "Full Paper" option. For a short paper please choose the "Poster communication with presentation" option.