4th to 5th July, 2024
ESTGA, University of Aveiro
Águeda, Portugal


SLATE 2024 - Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies

4th to 5th July, 2024
ESTGA, University of Aveiro, Águeda, Portugal

We often use languages. First, to communicate between ourselves. Later, to communicate with computers. And more recently, with the advent of networks, we found a way to make computers communicate between themselves. All these different forms of communication use languages, different languages, but that still share many similarities. In SLATE we are interested in discussing these languages.

SLATE 2024 General Chair:
Mário Rodrigues (IEETA and ESTGA, University of Aveiro, Portugal)
Being languages such a broad subject, SLATE is organized in three main tracks:

  1. HHL Track: Processing Human-Human Languages
    Chair: Mário Rodrigues (IEETA and ESTGA, University of Aveiro, Portugal)

    HHL is a forum dedicated to the discussion of research projects and ideas involving natural language processing and their industrial application.

  2. HCL Track: Processing Human-Computer Languages
    Chair: José Paulo Leal (Dep CC, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto)

    HCL is a forum where researchers, developers, educators exchange ideas and information on the latest academic or industrial work on language design, processing, assessment and applications.

  3. CCL Track: Processing Computer-Computer Languages
    Chair: Filipe Portela (Algoritmi, University of Minho)

    CCL main goal is to provide a broad space for discussion about the XML markup language: examples of usage and associated technologies.

  • Full papers - 8 to 14 pages, presented in 20+5 minutes, complete work, including a validation or discussion;
  • Short papers - 6 to 8 pages, presented in 10+5 minutes, ongoing work, well anchored in the literature, but not yet fully validated;

Papers should be written using the OASIcs LaTeX template, using the English language. Please refer to our website for details about the document preparation.

Scientific Committee
  • Alberto Simões
  • Antoni Oliver
  • António Teixeira
  • Bostjan Slivnik
  • Brett Drury
  • Carlos Portela
  • Fernando Batista
  • Gabriel Silva
  • Hugo Oliveira
  • Hugo Peixoto
  • Irene Rodrigues
  • Jakub Swacha
  • Jan Janousek
  • Jaroslav Poruban
  • João Cordeiro
  • João Rafael Almeida
  • José Leal
  • José João Almeida
  • Josep Silva
  • Luís Matos
  • Mário Rodrigues
  • Maria João Pereira
  • Paulo Matos
  • Pedro Rangel Henriques
  • Ricardo Rodrigues
  • Ricardo Rocha
  • Tiago Pereira
  • Vladimir Ivančević
Organization Committee
  • Mário Rodrigues (IEETA and ESTGA, University of Aveiro, Portugal)
  • Alberto Simões (2Ai Laboratory, School of Technology, IPCA, Portugal)
  • António Teixeira (IEETA and DETI, University of Aveiro, Portugal)
  • Fábio Marques (IEETA and ESTGA, University of Aveiro, Portugal)
  • Gabriel Silva (IEETA and DETI, University of Aveiro, Portugal)
Further Information